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Fun Runs and Drinking – How to Stay Safe

by vffrunner » on Jun 26, 2014 1



Today, it’s increasingly common for races and fun runs to conclude with a celebratory drinking fest once runners cross the finish line. While this might seem like a fun way to cap off a great workout, it also poses some risks to racers.

If you’ve ever participated in one of these races, you know how fun it can be. Keep in mind however that you should always put your health first. Keep these tips in mind when you finish off a run with a beer – or two!

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

No matter what distance you ran, you likely still exerted yourself. Even in the colder months, we still tend to sweat during strenuous exercise. Make sure that you’re drinking plenty fo water prior to the race, and during the run as well. Once you finish up, opt for water before you hit up the beer tent. It can be tempting to start chugging cold beer (and start replacing some of those sugars) but make a point to hydrate first. Alcohol is incredibly dehydrating. Enjoy the post-run celebration, but not at the expense of your health.

Consider how you’re getting home.

If you drove to the race but plan on drinking after the event, make sure you have a designated driver who can get everyone home safely. Many races are located near a public transport option, so that’s often going to be your best bet. Just remember that your tolerance may be lower than usual since you will be dehydrated and likely drinking on an empty stomach. While under normal cicrumstances you may be able to drink 2 or 3 beers without feeling drunk, after a several mile run, it may take just one beer to impair your motor skills. Stay under the legal limit and don’t drive home if there’s any doubt. No one wants to get pulled over for driving under the influence!

Don’t mix booze and pills.

Obviously, most of us know not to mix alcohol with other drugs, but it’s easy to forget in the moments after a long run. If you’re feeling any aches and pains, you may not think twice about popping a couple Tylenol to take the edge off the soreness. But, if you’re planning to drink after your run, skip the pain relievers until later. Tylenol (acetaminophen) and alcohol can lead to dangerous side effects when combined. Choose one or the other and be aware of any contraindications before imbibing.

Well, that’s enough of the safety lecture! The point of every race is to challenge yourself, get some exercise, and of course, have fun. If you find a race with drinking in your town, it can be a great way to spend time with friends and mix two fun hobbies – exercise and partying. Enjoy!

1 Comment

  1. Hydrating is very important and double time if drinking and running. As scientists, we know first hand the damage that can happen to the human body if it isn’t hydrated.

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