My FiveFingers

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FQA – Funny Questions Asked… about FiveFingers

by Paula IJzerman » on Jan 19, 2012 10

Living in a country where being yourself is considered ‘funny enough’ (The Netherlands), I have a great time answering questions about my funny footwear.

One of the questions I get asked the most is: “loopt dat nou lekker?” which translates to “does that feel good while running?”  At first I answered this very seriously, but some time ago I came to a point where I started answering: “No, it’s awful, but I’m masochistic” or “No, I hate them, but someone glued them to my feet”. That causes smiling faces and at the same time the answer is clear. VFF are awesome to wear.

50 toes in VFF

A question that frequently follows the first one is: “But do you have any damping in those things?” Well, of course not! I show them my feet and ask where they think the damping should be. And on explaining that feet, knees and hips damp enough they look at me as if I’m crazy (which I am, but not in the way they think).

Do You Feel Everything in Those?

That question is followed by either: “Do you feel everything in those?” or “Doesn’t that hurt when you step on something?” I answer these in a normal way, explaining that your feet adjust when you keep running in FiveFingers. I like to feel everything, it gives me a grounded feeling.

When I’m running in the neighbourhood I sometimes get asked: “Is that a new pair? How many do you own?” Those people are used to my funny feet and try to keep track of the amount of funny shoes I own. The answer will be “12 pair” soon, I hope!

On our way to Leiden for a good cause!

It’s funny how people cannot grasp the idea that you can run in things like VFFs. They wonder whether you can run on asphalt or in woods with them. Most people think only one of those is possible, depending on their own preferences. So trailrunners think FiveFingers are only for trails and roadrunners think they’re only for roads. I run everywhere in them.

Do You Know Her?

And last but not least, the most funny question I got asked some time ago: “Do you by any chance know Paula IJzerman?” I had to refrain myself from laughing my a** off (because I’m Paula IJzerman). This person clearly had no idea who she was talking to. However, she did know I run in FiveFingers. You should have seen her face when I told her who I was.

So, if you want to ask me a funny question, please don’t hesitate to do so! And if you get asked funny questions yourself, please post them in the comments, so we can all have a laugh!

Submitted Comments

  1. Niko says:

    The questions always asked go along the lines of “are they comfy?” and “do you run in those”? Funny how it’s ALWAYS those questions. Oh and they always ask for a demonstration of the toe wiggling….

  2. Paula says:

    Well, I must say that people in my neighbourhood start to shift to questions like: “did you match colors on purpose” (e.g. blue Komodosports teamed with blue shorts and a blue shirt) or “was that your track I found in the woods”? But yes, most questions are about comfort. :-D

  3. Danny says:

    Question I got last weekend: “how does it feel when you step into horse manure?
    I replied: “Kinda shitty but great”…

    Most question I get are about: comfort, shock absorbing, (no) orthotics, etc.etc.

    Most no verbal signs: head turns and big eyes almost popping out.

    All of this within 3 weeks of using my first pair of VFF! Looking forward to the future!

  4. Gareth says:

    When at the gym I sometimes wish I had a t-shirt on that says, “Yes, they look funny; Yes, they are comfortable and Yes; I run in them!”

    I often get stopped in the middle of a set or rep to get asked about my VFF and its always one of those three comments/questions. Irritation!

  5. Paula says:

    Don’t get irritated Gareth! You can have so much fun giving stupid answers (like my glued-on-feet answer). You can say they match the color of you hair (any hair) or that you are trying to become a gorilla or whatever sounds good to you and makes people look funny!

    Since you and I choose to wear funny VFF, you are bound to get these questions. You better make the best of it! :-D

  6. Mountain says:

    “Do you by any chance know Paula IJzerman?”

    Are you known throughout the country as THE FiveFingers person?

  7. Paula says:

    With the risk to sound arrogant: yes.

  8. Mountain says:

    I didn’t find it arrogant =) That’s awesome! Do you have a blog?

  9. Paula says:

    I do, but it is in Dutch. And I should update it more often. ;-)

    Oh, and: Thanks! :-D

  10. I wore my VFF on a run to pick my boys up from school. A second grader acually asked if they were my ‘real feet’ then he proceeded to poke my feet like I was joking when I told them they were. I enjoyed your story, thanks for sharing!

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