70,630. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, that is the number of drug-involved overdose deaths in the United States in 2019. With such a high number of Americans dying every year from opioid addiction, there is unquestionably a need for further support systems to prevent addiction and abuse. However, a new study reports […]
It’s just about bedtime and you’re ready to sleep, but a final glance at your fitness tracker reveals you are 100 steps away from your goal. You start to pace and find yourself doing laps around your bedroom in order to finally hit that magic number. Can you relate to the scenario described above or […]
It’s that time of year again. You can almost smell the springtime in this March air. The birds are chirping, the trees are starting to bud—And most importantly, it’s time to dust off those clubs that have been sitting in your garage since last November, and head out to the greenway. Although it’s spring for […]
Health is the theme of the year. COVID-19 has changed how we all view individual and public health and made maintaining it a priority. While restrictions are relaxing across many states, public health officials agree that we’re not finished with the coronavirus. And with colder months approaching, northern states in particular are fearing an uptick […]
A back strain is an injury that can truly disrupt the day-to-day life of sufferers, as it frequently causes pain when performing everyday tasks. Back injuries such as strains are some of the most common of all injuries, ranking behind only headaches in terms of the complaints that healthcare providers receive most often according to […]
Pulling a hamstring is quite painful, but the good news is that most hamstring injuries are easily treatable. Often times they are treated with rest, ice, and over-the-counter pain medications. Rarely surgery will be needed to repair a hamstring muscle or tendon. Chances are, the more active you are, the more likely you are to […]
If you’ve suffered from an injury before, chances are you’ve hurt your wrist in some capacity. Whether you’re an athlete or not, sprained wrists are one of the most common injuries for people to experience as we naturally tend to stick our arms out to break a fall. A wrist sprain occurs when there is […]
We all know that regularly walking and running can be beneficial to our health – being active is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. However, even beyond conscious exercise, it turns out that your home or apartment could have a major effect on the walking you do in your spare time. What is your […]
It is estimated that Americans spend an average of 4.7 hours per day on their mobile phones. We’re slowly but surely evolving into a culture obsessed with our phones. Driving in the car is not even a time exempt of screen time these days as 43% of drivers admit to ignoring no-texting laws. Time that […]
Trail runs can be a peaceful, serene experience, but sometimes bugs get in the way of that enjoyment. What’s worse, people can end up with Lyme disease, Malaria, Denge or the West Nile virus if they don’t take precautionary steps to prevent bug bites. Runners deal with bugs year-round, so understanding how to take the […]