We all start off the New Year with bold resolutions and visions of how healthy our lives will be in the upcoming year. The month of January is full of trips to the gym, healthy meals, and optimism. By February, those trips to the gym aren’t quite as frequent and meal preparation falls to wayside, […]
How much stuff do we really need in our lives? I know sometimes when I walk into my house, I wonder where it all came from. I can often immediately note multiple things that I just don’t need. In fact, in a recent survey from Bella Ella Boutique, most people said they had only used […]
There’s a seemingly unlimited amount of uses for your smartphone these days. We use phones as an alarm clock, a newspaper, a flashlight, and a camera. Many people track their health and fitness using smartphones and applications. It’s common for people to record how many steps they took in a day or how many stairs […]
The Bible of Barefoot that sparked interest in FiveFingers, barefoot running, and the return to a more natural way of running in the interest of health made it’s way into my fingers about two weeks ago, after my father had finished turning the last page. He welcomed McDougall’s strong use of “word pictures” and I […]
The title of this post may justify why my family members smile and nod politely whenever I tell them of my running affairs. The fact that I like blisters, or get excited about getting them may be unusual to a general populous, and maybe even to the running community. But to the even smaller sect […]
There are few things done directly these days. In the age of convenience and technology there is nearly always a middle man or a device involved in the transactions we conduct, bringing distance between you the viewer and the experience you don’t feel like experiencing. I am proud to say that I believe that this […]
I don’t miss shoes. When I step into a pair of freeing FiveFingers, I don’t miss shoes at all. I find that I miss feelings associated with shoes, often feelings that are social external feelings of approval instead of self generated feelings of approval. So why do I still pine for others to compliment me […]
Barefoot has turned the research of foot health on its head in recent years. “How could less cushion protect my feet”? “Why do my shoes make my feet hurt?” It has never made sense why more cushion has caused more pain than good, but wherever media turns its head, so does the consumer, and thus […]
There are few places where you can go running, biking or even hiking in woods while the busy city roads buzz above and around you. Even few options are available if you add ing swimming and sunbathing on smooth rocks. My recent expedition took me through all of this and more, and it was not even […]
Several of us around the site have reported on FiveFinger sightings that rise beyond the obscure savvy runner. Celebrities and general well-knowns are outing their toes and have been spotted in FiveFingers – such as Scarlet Johansson, Keith Olberman and Sergey Brin (one of the founders of Google). The phenomenon is beginning to hit a […]