Leave it to the Swiss to take minimalist shoes to the next (lowest?) level. I present to you The Swiss Barefoot Company’s Swiss Protection Sock for that “absolute, perfect barefoot feeling”. Here’s their promotional video (like Justin at birthdayshoes.com, I picture a scientist in some crazy high-tech Swiss lab narrating this): Basically, The SPS is […]
Geeks aren’t known for their athletic prowess, but suprisingly, FiveFingers make their way around the nerdier among us. As a lover of all things with lots of buttons and flashing LEDs, I read a lot of tech blogs. I can’t get enough of pages full of the latest-and-greatest doohickies and thingamajigs, whipping my gadget envy […]
One of the biggest questions (besides “Are they comfortable?”, or “How do those feel?”, or “Do you really like those?”, and my favorite “You’re not really going to wear those out, are you?”) is “How do you those do in the cold?” My answer: “Great! If you like having cold feet.” There’s not any […]
Wednesday we posted a couple of emails from Vibram stating they were dropping their support for SOPA. Unfortunately, those emails sent conflicting messages as to how much involvement (if any) they had with the bill. After I published that post I reached out to Vibram to find out exactly what their position was. Luckily, the […]
Update: We’ve spoken with Vibram and they have told us that they do not, and never have, supported SOPA. Read the details here. Last week it was discovered that Vibram was listed as one of the supporters of the “Stop Online Piracy Act”. Today, the emails are rolling in (no doubt because of the holiday […]
Update: We’ve spoken with Vibram and they have told us that they do not, and never have, supported SOPA. Read the details here. There’s a little bill going through Congress right now that possibly poses a big threat to the internet as we know it. SOPA (the “Stop Online Piracy Act”) This bill […]
Last week Dan gave you five great gift suggestions for the FiveFingers lover in your life. Here’s are 7 more ideas, just in case. (Click the pics to see more.) Born To Run Seriously, I’m not sure why this isn’t issued to anyone who buys a pair of Vibram FiveFingers. Even if you couldn’t care […]
Here’s one for you barefoot runners. Put your spears down, guys. It’s all in fun. I kid, I kid. Y’all don’t carry spears, you carry clubs, right? Again, just kidding. This video cracks me up, because I am a barefoot runner, but not really. That’s a conversation for another day. Enjoy! http://youtu.be/cYTb-ataCc4 Hat tip to […]
As someone who’s had a terrible time finding minimalist shoes that fit me well, Stem Footwear has been my last bastion of hope for a pair of shoes that aren’t sandals or have five separate toes. Don’t get me wrong, I love my FiveFingers. They’re just not always the best choice in footwear for me. Especially out […]
Ahh, Kate. You just jumped two more notches in my book for wearing FiveFingers. Unlike Jack Osbourne, who happens to be one of B Patt’s idols. But alas, since you have terrible taste in men (That’s her fiance, Matt Bellamy from the band Muse, looking especially dashing in the latest grocery fashion), it can never […]