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Healthy Living: Calling all Women

by Grace » on Jun 20, 2017 1

It can be difficult to figure out the steps that you should be taking to stay healthy. As a woman, I know firsthand that we are constantly having different advice, exercises and diets thrown at us. Women also have to take different steps to stay healthy, as women’s health issues often differ from men’s. Interestingly enough, when it comes to health, men are the weaker sex. According to Harvard Men’s Health Watch, people of both sexes are living longer, but decade after decade, women live longer than men. So what are the most important things a woman can do to stay healthy?

It is well known that men and women have different ideas of fitness. Typically, men focus on lifting weights, while women stray towards cardio. Working out is an essential part of staying healthy. A recent National Sleep Foundation study found that up to 67 percent of regular exercisers say they get a good night’s sleep. Not only does regular exercise help you sleep better, it helps you fight off bacteria and viruses. Research suggests that hitting the gym at least 2-3 times a week results in a stronger ability to fight off germs.

Physical activity and healthy eating walk hand in hand. Evidence suggests regularly eating healthy, well-balanced meals contributes to sustained weight maintenance, a better mood, increased energy levels, positive inspiration to others and the potential for a heightened quality of life. According to the University of Minnesota, Americans whose dietary patterns include fresh, whole foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, lean meats and fish have a lower incidence of major chronic diseases and especially of diet-related diseases.

Getting an annual physical is also a very important part of staying healthy.  By getting an annual physical, your physician can offer some valuable help that could assist you in preventing future health problems down the road. After all, the best medicine is preventative medicine. An OB/GYN annual visit is also necessary. Annual visits promote your general well-being, as well as the well-being of your reproductive health. Dr. Alice Roberts, an OB/GYN at Abington Memorial Hospital, said, “Many people forget or are unaware that the OB/GYN is a primary care specialty. At annual exams, we perform a great deal of preventive health screening that is specific to women.”

Every woman should take initiative when it comes to her health. These easy ways to stay healthy will also help you stay happy. There is no better time than now to start living healthy.

1 Comment

  1. Great article! We should always prioritize our health.

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