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How to Stay Healthy During a Stressful Move

by Jamie » on Jan 20, 2017 0

Moving is stressful. It’s a big change that requires a lot of planning and coordination to pull off. With so much to do to get ready for the big day, it’s easy to have things like keeping up with your personal health go by the wayside. Stress can cause a myriad of health problems, so it’s important to stay on top of it and find ways to reduce your stress levels.

One basic, often overlooked method to reduce stress is to make time in your daily routine for exercise. Although it may seem like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get all of your tasks done, spending some time on exercise will provide both short and long-term benefits. Studies have shown that stress can speed up the aging of cells, particularly immune cells. Eating right and keeping active can reduce some of those negative effects.

Along with regular exercise, try to keep to a plan. Planning ahead and having scheduled tasks and goals will not only keep you on track but also give you that wonderful feeling of accomplishment. Think about making a checklist that you can either fill out online or print. Make it as detailed as you want and have it tailored to your exact needs.

Another way to keep your stress down is to think about how you can delegate. A move can be overwhelming, but it isn’t something you have to do all by yourself. Think about hiring a reputable company to help you out. A relocation service like CapRelo can provide any number of services for moving. If it’s in your budget, this is a wonderful way to keep your stress levels down by having trustworthy people take care of your move.

Stress is something we all face at one time or another, and a move, no matter how large or small, can be a real headache. Personal health can often be overlooked during busy times, despite that studies show that stress only makes things worse. So think about ways you can reduce that stress. Stay organized and think about the tasks you can delegate to someone else. The better prepared you are before the move, the less stressed you’ll be during it.

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