Rather than savor our day off, I spent it being irritated. It happens on occasion. Should’ve gone for a run at the high school track, but opted out in favor of a nap and ended up regretting the lack of exercise. Nothing new to report, other than the fact that my foot already feels much […]
Today was a day of rest for me. I woke up early and took my baby girl to Starbucks. She wanted to sleep in, but we try to keep her on a schedule. We hung out at the local Starbucks for a couple hours. My parents showed up and played with her for a bit. […]
I went to Richland High School yesterday morning to try out my VFF Classics on the track. Since Run #1 went well on the treadmill, I decided it was time to test alternative surfaces, i.e. the track and the football field. I took my video camera with me to record this epic event. Unfortunately, HD […]
Today is Saturday. My first run was on Monday. Most of my aches and pains are gone. The balls of my feet are still tender. They’re not calloused at all, and will probably need to be before running becomes terribly comfortable. One thing is for sure: I will DEFINITELY be wearing my injinji Performance Micro […]
It’s been four days since my first run in these VFF Classics. My muscles are mostly recovered by now. Despite the recovery, I’m more than a little annoyed. My fave pair of jeans are long and baggy. The hems end up under my feet when I walk. I never noticed or cared when I wore […]
I’ve been wearing my black Five Fingers Classics for 18 days now (think I wore regular flat-soled shoes once), and my coworkers finally noticed. In their defense, my baggy jeans touch the floor, so there’s only a little black visible most of the time. People just assume that you’re wearing regular shoes unless something draws […]
word of the day: “fi-curious” – a person interested in Vibram Five Fingers, but aren’t sure they’re ready to swing that way. Most people will be curious about the foot-shaped shoes they see every now and then, but the concept of walking without cushioned soles will turn most people off. I know this because we’re […]
Yes, the dreaded day is upon us. The aftermath from yesterday’s run. I am such a wuss. But that’s okay! I’m just getting started! I woke up this morning, stood up, and OWWW! Pain! What is this strange sensation in my feet and legs? What is it? Oh, Doctor, tell me, am I going to […]