My FiveFingers

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Mitt Romney Wears FiveFingers! (in this photoshopped image, anyway)

by Brian Patterson » on Jan 03, 2012 8

We’re starting something new and fun for 2012.  Each week we’ll be photoshopping FiveFingers onto a public figure.  Because the primary/presidential campaigns in the US are heating up due to the Iowa Caucuses, this week we’ve selected Mitt Romney as our first photoshop ‘victim’.  Here he is rockin’ a pair of Bikilas.

This would be so awesome if it were real.  I’m not so sure if it would help his campaign, but it’d be awesome…  Oh, and that guy crouched down holding the chair?  Weirdest job ever?

Is there anyone you’d like to see photoshopped wearing FiveFingers?  Let us know in the comments.

Submitted Comments

  1. Dan says:

    If only the guy holding the chair was wearing FiveFingers too… would be the BEST PICTURE EVER.. of course if it were real.

    I’m surprised Ron Paul isn’t sporting FiveFingers.. would fit his libertarian philosophy.

  2. Tiff says:

    Can we see a Katy Perry + Russel Brand break up pic that incorporates FiveFingers? Would love that…

  3. Miles says:

    Ghandi, mother Theresa, Jesus, the lama

  4. Brian Patterson says:

    If we did them all in one picture, we could offend everyone at once :)

  5. Levi says:

    Ha, that’s pretty good! FiveFingers might get him some more votes but turn away others at the same time.

    I’d like to see Donald Trump wearing FiveFingers on the new Celebrity Apprentice.

  6. Unfortunately, Mitt Romney is no where near cool enough for FiveFingers, and it wouldn’t be so awesome if it were real, because it would lower the stature of FiveFingers.

    If y’all like this, there are a ton more photoshops of Mitt Romney at

  7. caad4 says:

    Margie Phelps of WBC

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