It’s not every day that we discover a deal that lets you get $100 worth of minimalist footwear from for just $50. Luckily for us, today is one such day.
The Daily Hookup is currently offering their members a $100 coupon from Vibram FiveFingers for just $50. How it works is that you head over to The Daily Hookup website and purchase the deal. You’ll then receive an email from The Daily Hookup with a coupon code that you can use at Head over to and find a pair for at least $100, add it to your cart, apply the coupon code provided by The Daily Hookup, and you’re set! The hardest part will be waiting for your FiveFingers in the mail.
They’re currently allowing you to purchase the deal twice, so you can get one for yourself and then one as a gift for a friend. This is a perfect Christmas gift for everyone you’ve been telling to try out FiveFingers. The deal applies to both Men and Women footwear so feel confident in getting a pair for your girlfriend, wife, or sister.
Head to this page on The Daily Hookup for complete details on the offer. I did like to see that it includes free shipping to the US and Canada.
At the time of publication there are only 8 days left for the deal so be sure to head over to the site quickly and take part in the offer. I’m sure we’ll be using this offer for our Monthly Giveaway.
Leave a note in the comments letting us know what model of FiveFingers you’ll be getting with this incredible deal.