Fundy National Park and the Fundy Coast has been a favourite for my family this year. My son and I hiked the Fundy Circuit and my whole family, along with some friends, spent the Labour Day long weekend camping in one of the more tame campgrounds. While we weren’t out hiking 17km a day with […]
I have worn my VFFs for lots of different things. I wear them for my CrossFit workouts, I have ran a race in them, climb trees, rock climbing, and on plenty of day hikes. But what I have never worn them for is an extended hike over several days while carrying a heavier pack. This […]
Today, I spent the day tromping around the Fundy Trail Parkway provincial park with a 29lb backpack on a fairly humid day. I was out with my son, a cousin-in-law and some of her children to see how two things worked. The first was to see how her backpack is with a full load and […]
This weekend my daughter and I decided to go do something fun and interesting so we went to TreeGo in Mactaquac Provincial Park. I had gone before with my son, but this was the first time for my daughter as she is now tall enough to go on the adult portion of the course. Along […]
Last weekend, 1 July, was the Canada Day long weekend where we Canadians celebrated our 144 birthday as a country. This year my family was invited to a friends cottage on an island near Halifax NS on one of the many lakes in the area. The cottage has no electricity or running water and everything […]
One thing that all people do, although some do it more than others, is walk. There has been a few things over the past few weeks that have gotten me thinking about walking in general. The first was an excellent post about walking from Marks Daily Apple (MDA) which dealt with walking, and the next […]
This past weekend was the Cabot Trail Relay Race held in Cape Breton NS, Canada. It is a 24 hour, 298km relay race up and down hills along the Cabot Trail. I had the opportunity to participate in it this weekend along with 14 other people on my team where we placed 13th out of […]
I was debating what I should do for my next post and began brainstorming by putting all my ideas into an app on my iPhone called Mind Map. When I got home and had some time, I loaded the Mind Map I had made by downloading it from DropBox onto my Mac. I gradually realized […]
Most of my posts have been about how I use my current pairs of VFFs; I use my KomodoSports to do CrossFit workouts, running and any other physical activities, my Sprints are for general walking around, and I have a pair of old KSO’s with a hole in the bottom that sit in my clsoet. […]
I’ve talked a fair bit about wearing my VFFs and most of the posts here have been from or for the adult perspective. Dan previously wrote an earlier article about kids and FiveFingers which focused primarily on the costs and readers commented and tweeted in with their opinion. Today I’d like to give my take on […]